LEC Market Gauge™ Analysis

Now you can use LEC's Market Gauge™ Analysis as a special framework for uncovering issues, trends, business pains felt, and purchasing process factors in any international market segment.

Sounding out decision makers directly
We make extensive use of secondary information ("desk research") but we also gather first-hand information directly from the horse's mouth -- decision makers, influencers, and buyers in your chosen market.

Uncovering all aspects
Moreover, we use distinctive "snowballing techniques" and probing interview methods to uncover all aspects and get you practical, action-oriented knowledge.

Inspiration for marketing and communication...
You use the knowledge to get a good overview of developments and issues in the market and build a sound international target marketing and communication strategy.

...or as a basis for further analysis
Even better, you can use the findings to get a clear picture of which factors to test in a later quantitative research phase (how many, figures, percentages).

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